I am Cory3wing Thorell

Super Conscious Recode Coach

Is it time to

Recode Your Unconscious Mind

Tired of Trying to Fix Everything

& Still Feeling Stuck?

Juggling too many tasks

but never finishing them?

Finding yourself oscillating in loops,

unable to reach your goals?

Are your good intentions leading to bad results?

Interested in personal growth

but not sure what to do?

Feeling unsupported

by those closest to you?

Aware that you need a change

but don’t know where to start?

Maybe your Conscious Mind

& Your Unconscious Mind


Not In Alignment.

Perhaps It Is Time To

Rewire Your Brain

Unlock Your True Potential

in Life, Business, and Wellness.

No gimmicks.

No quick fixes.

No fluff.

Only cutting-edge neuroscience

& proven techniques

for lasting change.

Recode Your Brain

Unlock Your Subconscious Mind

What if you could stop fixing yourself...

and use all those resources...

to Create The Life You Choose?

The Problem

The self-help industry often teaches that

You Are Broken

& Need Fixing.

But what if...

You Are Not Broken?

Most people operate

in Survival and Defense most of the time.

Decisions are driven by the need to seek pleasure or avoid pain,

disconnected from deeply-held values and beliefs.

This is

your conscious mind

not in alignment

with your subconscious mind.

This is why many find it hard to change long-held patterns.

Most of us have something deep inside us

that stops us from living the healthy, fulfilled life

we truly desire.

This feeling creates a belief of needing to fix ourselves

before we can achieve...


The Personal Development Model Gets It All Wrong

The personal development industry is fundamentally flawed,


Perpetuating the damaging belief that you are broken and need fixing before you can achieve anything meaningful puts your dreams far away into the realm of tomorrow.


This narrative is deeply rooted in our society and is constantly reinforced by countless self-help books, seminars, and "gurus" who promise quick fixes and miraculous results.

These so-called "solutions" often involve goal setting, positive thinking, and vision boarding.

While these activities might create a temporary burst of motivation and a vivid fantasy about what you could be, they do nothing to address the core issues that are truly holding you back.

Instead of solving your problems, they mask them by giving you an endless task list, creating a cycle of disappointment and frustration when the promised change doesn't stick.

The harsh reality is that this approach often does more harm than good.

It feeds into the deeply rooted fears and insecurities that we all have, reinforcing the notion that we are not enough as we are.

This is why so many people invest time, money, and energy into personal development programs only to find themselves back at square one, feeling even more disillusioned and discouraged.

Feel Like

You’ve Heard This Before?

You Haven’t.

I am Cory3wing Thorell,

a certified Super Conscious Recode Coach,

healer, and Spirituality Guide.

Unlike the overhyped self-help experts,

I use proven neuroscience techniques

to biohack your brain,

uncovering and eliminating the hidden obstacles

holding you back.

My Science-Based, Spirituality Supported, Approach to Real Change

Forget about superficial tactics like vision boards or forced enthusiasm at events.

My approach is grounded in science, leveraging the latest insights in neuroplasticity, epigenetics, heart/mind coherance, ancient methodologies, modern shamanism and common sense to create lasting, meaningful change.

Here’s a glimpse into how the brain facilitates progress:

Understanding Your Brain’s Mechanics

Most of us are operating primarily from our Survival Brain (Amygdala).

This is a fierce limiting force that keeps you stuck no matter what you try.

This part of your brain is responsible for your fight-or-flight reactions, often driving you to seek comfort and avoid discomfort, even when it’s not in your best long-term interest.

The Emotional Brain (Hypothalamus), the hub of your feelings,

processes your emotions and plays a key role in your emotional responses.

When this part is overly reactive, it can cause you to make decisions based on immediate emotional reactions rather than rational thought.

Ther Executive Brain (Prefrontal Cortex) handles logic and foresight.

This is where your higher-level thinking occurs. It’s responsible for planning, decision-making, and regulating your behavior based on long-term goals.

However, if your survival brain is in overdrive, it can overpower the executive brain, making it hard to think clearly and make rational decisions.

By bringing these unconscious behaviors to light, we can consciously implement chosen changes, leveraging the power of neuroplasticity to reshape our brains for better decision-making, emotional regulation, and overall well-being.

The Path to

Genuine Change:

A Three-Step Method

Step 1:

Disrupt the Pleasure/Pain Cycle

Your most effective decisions are rooted in your values, not in the avoidance of discomfort.

Traditional therapy might take years to achieve this, but my approach cuts straight to the core, addressing why you’re stuck in the cycle of seeking pleasure and avoiding pain.

Step 2:

Align for Optimal Performance

This involves a sophisticated, high-level approach to personal development:

Identify Your Active Emotions:

Recognize and understand the emotions driving your actions.

Acknowledge Your Self-Worth:

Establish a deep sense of your own value.

Develop an Inspiring Mission:

Create a clear and compelling personal mission.

Step 3:

Recode for Lasting Impact

This is where the real magic happens.

The Super Conscious Recode technique,

we will reprogram your subconscious mind,

eradicating limiting beliefs

and negative emotions

that have held you back.

This method is explored in detail in my courses and live events.

Through this process, you’ll unlock unprecedented levels of health, happiness, and freedom.

Many of my clients have described it as "getting their life back."

Super Conscious Recode:

The Heart of Authentic Progress

Supports and

goes beyond traditional self-help methods.

It’s a dynamic process

that syncs

your conscious aspirations

with the subconscious mind,



Here’s what it entails:

Connect with Your Higher Self:

Reconnect with your true essence and align with your higher purpose.

Harness Creativity and Intuition:

Utilize the power of daydreaming, imagination, and intuition to design the life you truly desire.

Activate Your Dreams:

Take clear, actionable steps to turn your dreams into reality.

Access the Superconscious Field:

Learn how to tap into the superconscious field to:

recode fear, anxiety, frustration, and doubt


Ask for Significant Change in All Time Lines.

Many of my clients

have used

Super Conscious Recode


Eliminate Self Sabotage

Get Un-Stuck

Discover the Path

Love Gigantically

Inspire Amazing Motivation

Install Self Love

Be the Example

Why This Method Works

The Super Conscious Recode

avoids the pitfalls and limitations of

traditional goal-setting and positive thinking.


it directly addresses the limiting root causes

within your subconscious mind,

and reinstalls NEW CODES.

By recoding these underlying patterns,

we can resolve internal conflicts that hinder your progress.

What You Will Learn

The Path of Least Resistance

The Emotion of the End Result

The Power of Choosing Joy

Values create Beliefs that set Behaviors

Reactivating the Daydream

Orientational and Effective Choice

Why Suffering is Essential to Satisfaction

Energy of Emotion

Dream Intending

Predominant Creator: The New You

Break Free

from Limiting Beliefs

and Self-Sabotage

with Cory Thorell

Are you tired of feeling stuck,

overwhelmed by self-doubt,

& held back by limiting beliefs?

Do you struggle with finding direction, motivation, and effective communication?

Join Cory Thorell in a personal journey

of self discovery and empowerment

designed to address these pain points and more.

Through a unique blend of ancient wisdom

and modern alchemy,

Super Conscious Recode

will guide you to

break free from old patterns,

achieve clarity,

and step into the Life You Choose.

Where are you

on The Path Of Change?

Step 1: Recognizing the Need for Change

You’ve been feeling it for a while now—an uncomfortable sensation that your current path is not where you’re meant to be. Every day feels like a struggle, and the discomfort has grown too big to ignore. This is your inner self nudging you, signaling that it’s time for a significant shift.

Step 2: Exploring Possibilities

In your search for relief, you’ve explored countless books, attended workshops, and taken numerous courses. Despite all this effort, you still feel stuck, unable to find the right solution. The more you learn, the more overwhelmed you become, unsure of which direction to take.

Step 3: Discovering a New Path

Then, you come across a method or approach that resonates deeply with you—something clicks. Suddenly, you feel a surge of excitement and motivation. This newfound direction feels right, and you’re eager to dive in, ready to embrace these new tools and techniques with fresh energy and hope.

Step 4: Facing Inner Resistance

As you begin to implement these changes, old fears and doubts start to surface. You face resistance and struggle as your old story fights back against your new aspirations. It’s a tough phase where you might feel like giving up, but remember, this is a natural part of the journey.

Step 5: Seeking Support and Community

Realizing you can’t do it alone, you reach out for support. Finding a mentor, coach, or a community of like-minded individuals becomes essential. They offer guidance, support, and a sense of belonging that helps you push through the tough times and keep moving forward.

Step 6: Continuing the Journey

With ongoing support and a clear path forward, you’ll start to see real changes in your life. This is not just about reaching a destination but embracing a continuous journey of growth and transformation. Together, we will navigate the complexities of this path, ensuring you feel empowered and supported every step of the way.

No matter which step you are on...

there is a place for you at my table.

The Tools You Will Learn:

Choose Love

Self Love as a Priority

Embrace the power of self-love as the cornerstone of your transformational journey.

Cory Thorell guides you to prioritize self-care, fostering a deep connection with yourself.

Through personalized coaching, learn to celebrate your strengths, acknowledge your worth, and set sail on a journey towards unshakeable self-love.

The Menu of your Future

Dream Intending

Unleash the creative force within through Dream Intending.

Cory's coaching methodology empowers you to dream with clarity, vividly envisioning the life you desire.

By setting specific goals and crafting actionable plans, you'll navigate the path to your dreams with purpose and determination.

Inner Guidance

Intuition & Alchemy

Tap into your innate wisdom and intuition and personal Alchemy.

Cory Thorell's coaching encourages you to trust your inner guidance, providing tools to enhance your intuitive abilities.

Explore the transformative potential of intuitive decision-making, allowing your authentic self to lead the way.

Right Action

Inspired Motivation

Experience a shift in motivation that stems from within.

Cory's coaching is rooted in the core of inspired motivation, aligning your actions with your authentic desires.

Discover a renewed sense of purpose and drive, propelling you towards your goals with passion and enthusiasm.


Meet Damain Huston

Transformative Journeys

Rooted in Ancient Wisdom & Modern Alchemy

Cory3wing Thorell:

Alchemist of Personal Transformation

Super Conscious Recode Coach,

Healer, and Shamanic Guide.

"Every conversation with Cory

is a Sacred Conversation."


Terrence Light Feather

Cory3wing Thorell


Unlock Your True Potential

in Life, Business, & Wellness.

No gimmicks. No quick fixes. No fluff.

Only cutting-edge neuroscience

& proven techniques for lasting change.

Book your free discovery call

with Cory3wing today.