Weekly Superconscious Tune Up

Wednesdays 3-4pm MST

Put Yourself 1st!

Gain Valuable Insights, Practical Tools,

& Personalized Coaching

Your Breakthrough is already happening.

It’s clear how much anger, fear, and guilt have been controlling your life.

As the weight of these emotions

begins to lift,

how much more freedom & clarity

could you experience?

Feel the freedom of letting go—and experience a real breakthrough that gives you the clarity to create the life you deserve, right now.

Cory Thorell is a Certified Practitioner of NLP, Positive Psychology, Time Line Therapy, Master Life Coach, and Superconscious Recode Coach.

With these tools and years of experience,

Cory has helped countless clients achieve lasting breakthroughs.

Let’s clear the emotional blocks holding you back

starting with this free Tune-Up session.

What People Say:

"Cory has such a unique gift and set of offerings. He effuses life. In word. In gesture.

In perspective. Being in Cory’s company and care is utterly life-giving and life-aligning"

- Tenneson W.

"Cory’s Tune-Up was the shift I didn’t realize I needed.

I walked in feeling weighed down by years of guilt and fear, and by the end of the session, it was gone.

I felt lighter and free to move forward, without having to dig through painful memories."

- Julia B.

"I have known Cory for more than 20 years, and he is truly gifted as a transformational coach and healer.

He has the unique ability to bring out in the best in his clients"

- Kris H.

Why a Weekly Tune Up Matters :

Align with Your True Self and Recode Your Mind for Instant Change.

Tap into the most powerful part of yourself and experience real change.

In this weekly free tune-up,

we explore the profound influence of the unconscious mind

& how communicating with it consciously,

can unlock breakthroughs you never thought possible.

Why the Unconscious Mind Matters:

Most of what drives our actions, emotions, and results

lies below the surface, in the unconscious mind.

If you're feeling stuck, overwhelmed, or looping in the same old patterns,

chances are there's a misalignment

between what you consciously want

& what your unconscious is holding onto.

But here's the good news:

you can change that, right now


Through proven methods like

Timeline Therapy, NLP, and Positive Psychology,

Recode your unconscious patterns

that no longer serve you.

Shift limiting beliefs

that keep you from living fully.

Release emotional blocks

that have held you back for far too long.

What to Expect in the Tune-Up:

Each week,

you will experience a focused session

designed to bring you back into alignment

with your higher self,

helping you create shifts in your life,

whether it's in relationships, career, or personal well-being.

Live coaching and Guidance

to communicate with your unconscious mind.

Techniques to Shift Patterns

quickly & create a new pathway forward.

Ongoing support

in a community that is committed

to growth and positive change.

This free tune-up is perfect for you if you:

Feel stuck, struggling, or endlessly repeating the same patterns in life.

Are seeking new ways to address old challenges

& shift your mindset.

Want to align with your true self

& start living from a place of joy and empowerment.

Make Your Change Happen Now

You don’t have to wait for transformation.

With the right tools,

the unconscious mind can be your greatest ally

in making lasting change today.

Join me!

Cory Thorell, every week for this powerful tune-up

where you’ll learn to consciously connect with your unconscious,

bringing healing and results now.

Are you ready

to finally let go

of the emotional weight

that’s been holding you back?

Book your spot!

Free Wednesday Tune-Up,


we’ll remove the emotion or symptom

that’s been standing in your way,

so you can move forward

with clarity and freedom.

Wednesdays, 3-4 pm MST

Ready to Put Yourself First and Make a Change?

Sign up now for my Free Weekly Tune Up

and take the first step towards a more fulfilling and balanced life.

How It Works:

  1. Register for the Tune Up: Sign up using the form below to receive the Zoom link and reminders.

  2. Join the Tune Up: Log in at the scheduled time to participate in the live session.

  3. Take Your Place at My Table: Engage with the content, ask questions, and start your journey towards meaningful change.

"Cory's coaching has been a game-changer for me. The insights and personalized advice have truly helped me let go of the old stories and claim my own chosen future.

I am on the path forward!"

- Gabriel D.

"The weekly tune ups are incredibly valuable.

Showing up with resistance to my wishes, I always leave feeling inspired and ready to take on the world!

I Now Deserve & Receive my dreams."

- Trudy S.

Don’t miss out!

Gain Clarity, Confidence, & Direction.

Join my Free Weekly Tune Up

and experience the power of expert guidance

and community support.

Reserve your spot now and start

your journey towards a better you!