Transformative Journeys

Rooted in Ancient Wisdom and Modern Alchemy





so you can


the Life You Love

Break Free from Limiting Beliefs and Self-Sabotage

with Cory Thorell

Are you tired of feeling stuck, overwhelmed by self-doubt, and held back by limiting beliefs?

Do you struggle with finding direction, motivation, and effective communication?

Join Cory Thorell in a transformative journey designed to address these pain points and more.

Through a unique blend of ancient wisdom and modern alchemy, Cory's Switchcraft Forward methodology will guide you to break free from old patterns, achieve clarity, and step into a life of purpose and fulfillment.

The Path Of Change

Recognizing the Need for Change

You’ve been feeling it for a while now—an uncomfortable sensation that your current path is not where you’re meant to be. Every day feels like a struggle, and the discomfort has grown too big to ignore. This is your inner self nudging you, signaling that it’s time for a significant shift.

Exploring Possibilities

In your search for relief, you’ve explored countless books, attended workshops, and taken numerous courses. Despite all this effort, you still feel stuck, unable to find the right solution. The more you learn, the more overwhelmed you become, unsure of which direction to take.

Discovering a New Path

Then, you come across a method or approach that resonates deeply with you—something clicks. Suddenly, you feel a surge of excitement and motivation. This newfound direction feels right, and you’re eager to dive in, ready to embrace these new tools and techniques with fresh energy and hope.

Facing Inner Resistance

As you begin to implement these changes, old fears and doubts start to surface. You face resistance and struggle as your old story fights back against your new aspirations. It’s a tough phase where you might feel like giving up, but remember, this is a natural part of the journey.

Support and Community

Realizing you can’t do it alone, you reach out for support. Finding a mentor, coach, or a community of like-minded individuals becomes essential. They offer guidance, support, and a sense of belonging that helps you push through the tough times and keep moving forward.

Continuing the Journey

With ongoing support and a clear path forward, you’ll start to see real changes in your life. This is not just about reaching a destination but embracing a continuous journey of growth and transformation. Together, we will navigate the complexities of this path, ensuring you feel empowered and supported every step of the way.

Choose Love

Self Love as a Priority

Embrace the power of self-love as the cornerstone of your transformational journey.

Cory Thorell guides you to prioritize self-care, fostering a deep connection with yourself.

Through personalized coaching, learn to celebrate your strengths, acknowledge your worth, and set sail on a journey towards unshakeable self-love.

The Menu of your Future

Dream Intending

Unleash the creative force within through Dream Intending.

Cory's coaching methodology empowers you to dream with clarity, vividly envisioning the life you desire.

By setting specific goals and crafting actionable plans, you'll navigate the path to your dreams with purpose and determination.

Inner Guidance

Intuition & Alchemy

Tap into your innate wisdom and intuition and personal Alchemy.

Cory Thorell's coaching encourages you to trust your inner guidance, providing tools to enhance your intuitive abilities.

Explore the transformative potential of intuitive decision-making, allowing your authentic self to lead the way.

Right Action

Inspired Motivation

Experience a shift in motivation that stems from within.

Cory's coaching is rooted in the core of inspired motivation, aligning your actions with your authentic desires.

Discover a renewed sense of purpose and drive, propelling you towards your goals with passion and enthusiasm.

Transformative Journeys

Rooted in Ancient Wisdom & Modern Alchemy

Cory3wing Thorell:

Alchemist of Personal Transformation

Super Conscious Recode Coach,

Healer, and Shamanic Guide.

"Every conversation with Cory

is a Sacred Conversation."


Terrence Light Feather

Cory3wing Thorell

Healer, Coach, Speaker